conscious curation
Create a consumption criterion that focuses on satisfaction, yet prevents overspending, clutter and garbage.
conscious curation Read More »
Create a consumption criterion that focuses on satisfaction, yet prevents overspending, clutter and garbage.
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Persevering with wellbeing after one year of the pandemic. Find freedom within when external resources are restricted.
The Hamster Wheel Effect Read More »
“I should be able to handle this! Normally this wouldn’t be an issue.”
Well, these aren’t normal times.
Our global health is directly determined by our stewardship. Create your own personal sustainability plan to take action in protecting our planet.
Every year I start to write a post about letting go of Christmas and then I don’t publish it. For the last fifteen years my story has evolved, from basically holding my breath for the last two weeks of December to eventually feeling so comfortable with my views that I forget they were an issue.
I enjoy working with the CBC Radio Syndicated Unit, sitting in a booth and talking with station hosts across Canada. Topic this time? Decluttering in 2019! Each conversation was different but here is a sample found on Vancouver’s show, “On The Coast”: (time code 41:38) It’s tricky to get in the deeper meaning of
CBC radio interviews Read More »
I am trying to remember what my adult life was like before cell phones and the internet, when staying connected simply meant phoning or visiting people and I gathered information by visiting a library or purchasing a newspaper. In my first career as an actor, I recall phoning my apartment to collect messages left by
reviewing your online footprint Read More »
Life throws curveballs. The last couple of months were stressful and I found it difficult to maintain my regular mindfulness routine. However, the beauty of this ability to pay attention to wellbeing made it possible to find tiny pockets of time to listen to my body and heart. But still, I could feel a build
contemplative sunday Read More »
Who is in your true circle of connection? What makes your tribe, posse, choir, team, the group that they are? Entry into my family is easy: Believe that you receive value from having me in your life and that you enjoy spending time with me. Naturally, the feeling must be mutual. I have a wonderful
Jo offers two client stories, as well as her own, on how mono-tasking is satisfying.
distracted? go back to basics Read More »