As Earth Day approaches, (April 22nd) I have been receiving reports about the challenge I put to my readers to try a No Gadget Night (NGN). With lights off and all electronics put away, what happened? Finding activities to keep occupied did not seem to be a problem. What I find fascinating is the variety of thoughts and feelings around habits of consumption and how we live with technology. Enjoy these great stories!
NGN story #1 Katherine, husband and pets!
“We went to bed for the night and had the best sleep in years because all the day’s stress had been released prior…” Read more
NGN story #2 Sarah and university roomates
“Gadgets provide a quick, cheap fix to eliminate boredom and act as junk food to fill our mind…” Read more
NGN story #3 Joanna with young daughter
“Unplugged, as you will, I thought about our inherent value as humans without this incessant need to produce, produce, produce, or work, work, work..” Read more
NGN story #4 Marcus – quality time alone
“Only last year I started thinking about more eco friendly ways to live so this experience reminded me to think twice about what I use and buy..” Read more
NGN for school aged children
During recent ice storm and major power outage, parents tell stories about how their kids managed in the dark and cold! Read more…