Workplace Wellbeing

These days, there is little capacity to carve out and maintain a separate, professional veneer. The pandemic has blurred the divide between private and public worlds, exposing individual and collective weaknesses that evokes local and global compassion. What seemed important pre pandemic doesn’t feel paramount now. No matter the industry and role, we are recovering and rebuilding together. There is no going back.

As a coach, it is gratifying to support leaders as they explore this new world. A healthy work environment focuses on the people, the employees who make the company tick. And, when people are content, they do good work. My coaching focuses on the integration of personal and professional wellbeing which results in an increased capacity for clients to show up and take care of themselves, others and systems around them. This has a lasting impact on job satisfaction and workplace wellness.

The pandemic has woken me up to needing personal and professional improvements!
Jo, your coaching is helping me show up better - there is no time to waste.
Client A.M.

Back to Basics

While I always meet a client where they are at (the issues) most often the conversation comes down to insufficient development in wellbeing. Clients get stuck when they may learn a lot through exploration, but are ill equipped mentally and emotionally to move forward, lacking motivation. For example, articulating an individual’s leadership vision may not be realized if the client is overwhelmed and tired. There are strategies that need to be implemented before they can meaningfully apply new learning.

Key themes in this coaching are divided into two sections:


  • Presence – cultivate self awareness to comprehend current mental and physical states
  • Reflection – foster curiosity, honesty, self compassion to embody wholeness
  • Essentialism – clear the content (‘clutter’) to reveal context (circumstance), reducing drain and strain
  • Resources – proactive maintenance of healthy conditions to navigate any situation


  • Flourishing (vs languishing) – be engaged, connected and purposeful
  • Psychological capital – feel safe when you are under threat
  • Emotional Intelligence (EQ) – skilfully manage emotions and understand what motivates other people
  • Vulnerability – confidence, safety for you and others to share feelings and feedback
It was difficult to admit how unbalanced my life had become. As I continue to work with Jo, people comment on how much better I seem. I feel like I am emerging from the pandemic tunnel.
Client D.S.


Customized Coaching

One to one dedicated access
$ 175
per session
  • Weekly or bi-weekly sessions
  • Assessments and resources

Customized Coaching

One to one dedicated access
$ 175
per session
  • Weekly or bi-weekly sessions
  • Assessments and resources
Jo crucially helped me see how much 'story' I have playing in my mind throughout the day. I now have great tools in place to be more present with people so I can support them better.
Client T. I.

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